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Mac Mini G4 Mac OS 9.2.2 audio CD playback issue in games

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Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone had any insight or solutions to a vexing issue I have with Mac OS 9. When I play games like Carmageddon or Quake with redbook or CD Audio soundtracks, no matter if I use the internal DVD drive or an external FireWire Sony CD-R drive with analog audio outputs and nothing seems to work. When I mount the CD, the Finder shows 2 discs: the data track one and the CD audio tracks 2 and up as a second disc icon. I think that second disc may be the issue but I don’t know a way to unmount the audio cd part without also ejecting the disc. Maybe “put away”?

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Posted on:2024-12-20 20:25:17

Still in Beta stage. Source on GitHub.