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Control Strip 475 OverClock

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The Control Strip
CPU Benchmark at 40MHz
Video Benchmark at 40MHz
Disk Benchmark at 40MHz
FPU Benchmark at 40MHz
Application file: 

Control Strip 475 OverClock
Version 1.0.1 - October 2024

The software uses code from the Soft 475 Overclock project, and the Control Strip Module elements are based entirely on the CSShell example code from 1994 (and used with permission, which was a challenge given 30 years have passed!).

This software only exists because of the overclocking routines written by MusterMann and shared on the 68kmla forums.

What it Does


To use this software, you need an LC 475 or another Macintosh with the same chipset, namely, the Performa 475, Performa 476, LC 575, Performa 575 or Performa 577. You must be booted in 32bit Addressing mode.

You will need an operating system with the Control Strip control panel installed. It generally came with System 7.5 and later, but I believe can be installed on System 7.1.

There is a compatibility issue that means it is usually not possible to change the resolution of your screen using built in video after you have changed the system speed. It is recommended that you set your resolution to what you will need before setting the Speed.

Year released: 
System 7.0 - 7.6
Mac OS 8 - 8.1

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Posted on:2024-10-11 16:29:19

Still in Beta stage. Source on GitHub.