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Clipper DEX suffers $450,000 hack

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Original URL: https://web3isgoinggreat.com/single/clipper-dex-hack

"Clipper" in white text, beside a simple illustration of a ship

The Clipper decentralized exchange suffered a $450,000 exploit across two Ethereum layer-2 chains. Although some speculated that the issue may have been a private key leak, Clipper denied this, and instead said that an attacker had exploited a feature allowing people to make withdrawals denominated in a single token by performing swaps along with the withdrawal.

Although the $450,000 theft is relatively small compared to some other crypto hacks, it represented around 6% of the total value locked on Clipper. Clipper stated they were working to trace and attempt to recover funds, and asked the hacker to contact them to potentially negotiate a return of some funds.

Posted on:2024-12-02 19:29:39

Still in Beta stage. Source on GitHub.